• St Lawrence, Barlow - 1
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St. Lawrence Church, Barlow

Welcome to our church website

We are glad that you have found us and hope that you will also be able to visit our beautiful Grade II* listed church building.
You are warmly invited to join us for worship on Sundays or to join one of the groups that meet on weekdays.

Sunday Worship

Every Sunday morning we meet for Mass at 11am - a service with hymns, readings, prayers, and we share in Holy Communion together. Our worship style is traditional and reverent (thanks to our Anglo-Catholic roots) but also relaxed and friendly- everyone is welcome, so feel free to join us. On the 2nd Sunday of the month there is a quieter said Mass at 8am, followed by a 'Family Mass' at 11am with members of the congregation of all ages taking a bigger part in the leading of the service.

We are aware that for various reasons some people still have a high level of anxiety about COVID. Therefore, whilst we do now offer communion in both kinds (the bread and wine),  please be reassured that it is 'sufficient' to receive just the bread if that is your preference  The Vicar and Churchwardens will continue keep our current practice under review and will discuss the ongoing situation regularly with the Parochial Church Council

Church Opening Hours

Thank you to all the volunteers who have enabled the church to be open during the day over the Winter months - Mondays and Fridays, 10:00 to 2:00 p.m.
If you do wish to visit the church on a weekday at other times, please contact the Vicar.


See our Services page for larger calendar and detail.


The safeguarding officer for St. Lawrence is Mr Joe Shore and the dedicated contact number is 07716 129311.  His email is safeguarding@barlow-church.org.uk .
Our Safeguarding  Policy is available for download here.
The Derby Diocesan Website has a "Safeguarding" section here and the contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding team are available here
The Church of England's document "Promoting a Safer Church" is available for download here.

Where are we ?

"53 degrees 16 minutes North and 1 degree 29 minutes West"
Hackney Lane, Barlow, Dronfield, Derbyshire,
S18 7TR.
Find Us on Google Maps.
Walkers - OS Map Ref.: SK3474.
Barlow Church is part of the Diocese of Derby and both are part of the Church of England

Lent Breakfasts

Barlow Lent Breakfasts 2025

2024 Christmas Tree Festival

View a short Youtube slideshow of the 2024 Christmas Tree Festival here.

(A short slide sequence of our first Christmas Tree Festival, November 2023, can be viewed on our gallery page.)

2024 Well Dressings & Flower Festival

Well Dressings and Flower Festival - a short slideshow is on the Gallery page.

Other Events

Please see our calendar for other events - normally includes:
- Lent Breakfasts
- Christmas Carol Extravaganza

Serving the communities in the parish of Great Barlow near Chesterfield in Derbyshire

Our Vicar, Revd Sarah Colver, our Curate, Revd Gill Ball and Churchwardens Pete Gouldthorpe and Julie West, are delighted to welcome you to these pages. Better still, come in person to enjoy the beauty and history of Barlow Church and join us for a service. We hope you find something of interest here, and if you would like more information, please click on the 'contact' link on the menu above.

The Vicar of St. Lawrence's has the further roles of the Vicar of The Church of St Peter and St Paul, Old Brampton (joint benefice with Great Barlow) and Priest-in-charge of Loundsley Green Church, Chesterfield an LEP with the Loundsley Green Methodist Church. The Joint Benefice is in the Chesterfield North Churches which includes St John's, Newbold, St Bartholomew's, Old Whittington and St Barnabas', New Whittington.

A prayer for peace

O God, who would fold both heaven and earth in a single peace: let the design of thy great love lighten upon the waste of our wraths and sorrows: and give peace to thy Church, peace among nations, peace in our dwellings, and peace in our hearts: through thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Annual Barlow Well Dressing & Flower Festival

Well Blessing service

In times past, well dressers would stay up all night decorating the wells and then come to church for Mass before going home to rest. The dressers still get up very early that morning to add the finishing touches to their wells and so we gladly continued the tradition of the early morning service - followed by a well earned cuppa. Later in the day we held the Blessing of the Wells Service in church followed by the Procession and Blessings through the village - a very special event in the village church calendar. 

Go to our Gallery page to view a video of the Blessing of the Wells and procession through the village.

Barlow Church Flower Festival 2023 - Theme "Who am I?" and Festival 2022 - Theme "Name that Tune"

Go to our Gallery page to view short slide sequences of the arrangements.

Previous Flower Festivals at St Lawrence

Our Flower Festival theme for 2021 was "We've done it before" and the theme for 2019 was "From John O'Groats to Landsend" - please go to our photo sequences page  to view the both 2021 and 2019 wells and flower festival. If you'd like a flavour of earlier flower festivals and Well Dressings, please follow the links on that page

Annual Open Gardens

Please see our dedicated webpage.

Barlow C of E School

A brief introduction to our close links with Barlow Church of England Primary School can be found here.


Barlow C. of E. School
Barlow Well Dressings Website
Barlow Village Website
Old Brampton Church Website
Arpillera from Peru


Policies Daily Prayer Bible Search Access

The united benefice of St Peter and St Paul's Church, Old Brampton and St Lawrence' Church, Barlow have common policies regarding Health and Safety, Safeguarding, Baptism, etc. and are available for download on the Web Administration page.